Träume and Exertherm establish international partnership

Träume Solutions and Exertherm establish a new contract for the installation of a 24×7 continuous thermal monitoring solution in Brazil. The Exertherm solution provides protection for your critical electrical infrastructure against costly failures, saving on repairs and downtime, while also reducing operating costs and increasing safety. Exertherm is number 1 in the world in this […]

A reflection of success in the face of challenges, Träume inaugurates its new base

Träume Solutions officially inaugurates its new administrative headquarters, located on the 7th floor of the Lotus Offices Commercial Building, located at Avenida Nossa Sra. da Glória, 1181, room 701, Cavaleiros, Macaé, RJ. In this unit will be the service of our Administrative, Financial, Human Resources, Planning and Commercial. We will also have a new operational […]

International Activities of Träume are Expanded in Partnership with QGI SA

Träume Solutions, in partnership with QGI SA, initiates an important project to comply with the FPSOs P75 and P77. By merging activities between the Cosco shipyard in China and the QGI shipyard in Rio Grande / RS Träume will act in all phases of the project to ensure compliance of the Brazilian Regulatory Standards for […]

Completed 1 Year Engineering Operations

Many projects, clients, partners and employees involved in our first year of operations. Träume Solutions consolidates its performance and thanks in particular each one who made and is part of this success trajectory.

New Production Line for Advertising

Träume Solutions expands its industrial signage production to meet demands in advertising in the production of small and large format banners, among them banners for parties, facades, billboards, signs, also including the production of stickers for shop fronts, micro perforated adhesives between others.